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"If you don't have your health, you don't have anything." by Nutritionist Beth Ley, Ph.D.

25 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs




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Salvia Has Highest Natural Fiber Content of any Food

More fiber than 11/4 cups All-Bran cereal with almost 5,000 mg of fiber.
The right kind of fiber can help you solve a huge array of digestive distresses, including:
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Bowel Discomfort
• Obesity
• Cranky Colon
• Gas and Bloating
Salvia expands up to 14 times in water so if you take it before meals, it fills you up so you won't have the urge to binge eat. It's a great add-on to any diet and exercise program because it curbs hunger.

Attention: Diabetics!

High fiber foods are an excellent choice for diabetics as they slow down carbohydrates (glucose) absorption.
Salvia has less than 0.5 g net carbohydrate per serving, so it won’t raise blood sugar like other grains.
Salvia Supreme had great health potential as a functional food, due to it’s Omega-3, fiber, magnesium and other nutrients to be used as a novel agent to promote cardiovascular health.

Gram for Gram Salvia Supreme Provides:

• 6 Xs more calcium than whole milk.... • 15 Xs more magnesium than broccoli...
• 3 Xs more antioxidant power than fresh blueberries...
• More fiber than flaxseed, more protein than soy...
• 8 Xs more Omega 3 than fresh Atlantic salmon.


Salvia Supreme: Enjoy whole or:
* Stir into your morning oatmeal.
* Stir into yogurt or smoothie.
* Sprinkle onto your favorite salads.
* Grind it into flour to make breads, brownies, cookies and other treats...
And if you grind it in your coffee grinder, it's a fabulous thickener for soups, stews and sauces! You can even use it as a crispy coating for oven fried chicken!
Salvia Supreme has a neutral flavor that blends in with other ingredients.
Salvia Supreme whole seeds have a 5 year shelf life, without need for artificial preservative.
Unlike flax which must be ground before using, You can sprinkle Salvia Supreme seeds directly on your yogurt or cereal. Refrigerate Salvia Supreme after grinding.

Call 800-664-1849 for more information and to place your Salvia Supreme order today!

(Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm PST) or visit

The Superfood Marathon Runners Don’t Want You to Know About!!

by Nutritionist Beth Ley, Ph.D. email your health questions to

Salvia is an ancient grain recently “rediscovered.” It is the "perfect functional superfood", providing an incredible nutritional goldminer.

Salvia Supreme contains more than 30 nutrients in their pure form. - surprisingly rich in vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, C and Thiamin. Plus 20 minerals and trace elements, 17 fatty acids and 16 different amino acids.

How Salvia Supreme benefits you:

  • Rich, dense source of Omega-3s
  • Great-tasting source for fiber
  • Super-charge your heart health
  • Flush out nasty free radicals
  • Give your bones a big boost
  • Dial down digestive stress

Salvia is the only ancient grain for which there are acute and long-term human nutritional studies. Clinical results indicate the great health potential of Salvia as a functional food to be used as a novel agent in promoting optimal cardiovascular health.

This "ultimate superfood" has been sitting right under our noses for over 500 years. And totally ignored until just recently.

The ancient Aztec of Mexico prized it more highly than gold. They fed it to their athletes, used it as medicine, even offered it up to their gods and... They believed that this grain gave them supernatural ENERGY AND POWER.

When the Spanish Conquistadors looted and ruined the ancient Aztec Empire, this nutritional treasure all but vanished with it...and then it was promptly forgotten.... Until now!

Scientists recently tested new strains of Salvia and the results clearly showed they had found a nutritional goldminer.

Today marathon runners load up on Salvia before their events to get an edge on the competition. When asked if they would give an endorsement to the product, their response was, “No way, I don’t want my competition to know about this!”


Omega-3 essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized in the body and therefore have to be obtained from foods. Omega-6 and omega-3 are the essential fatty acids for humans and other animals. They are precursors of powerful hormones that affect many biological processes; such as regulating inflammation, maintaining healthy skin, and cholesterol metabolism.

Modern diets are too high in omega-6, derived primarily from vegetable and animal fats. This imbalance increases the risk of coronary heart disease and also increases inflammatory processes.


Free radicals are like little terrorists, threatening your cells. These unstable molecules are created when your cells burn fuel. Your body is swarming with them and they're one of the biggest culprits in the aging process.

You can "clean out" these free radicals with compounds called antioxidant. Gram for gram, Salvia has three times the antioxidant capacity of fresh blueberries!

Salvia Supreme is 100% organic, grown under intensely controlled conditions in an ideal climate and pristine environment.

Comments From Dr. Beth Ley, "In all my years as a nutritionist, I've never seen anything as comprehensive as this food. It’s very affordable too at just $19.99 per 1 lb container. We've worked out a deal with Natural Health Network to provide special bulk pricing @ $14.99 per container when you buy 6. Call and take advantage of these great prices today!"

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25 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Hypertension, or High Blood Pressure, is one of the major health problems of the 21st century. It's estimated that 72 million people in the United States have high blood pressure or are on prescription drugs to control their blood pressure. High blood pressure is a silent disease. It's an emerging epidemic as one out of every three people has pre-hypertension, which leads to high blood pressure. And most don't know it. Not only are drugs expensive, they all have side effects. Diuretics cause potassium losses which long-term can cause gout. other side effects of other types of BP medications include: insomnia, cold hands and feet, tiredness, depression, a slow heartbeat, asthma symptoms, impotence, skin rash, loss of taste, chronic dry, hacking cough; palpitations, swollen ankles, constipation, headache or dizziness, and in rare instances, kidney damage, There are no drug side effects when you treat high blood pressure naturally.

1. Reduce Weight: In overweight people, a 10% reduction in total body weight will sometimes normalize blood pressure.

2. Be Active: Go for a brisk 30- minute walk 6 days a week.

3. Meditate, Pray and practice other stress relieving activities: A new study shows it works for teens too.

4. Eat Celery. A compound found in celery, 3-n-butyl phthalide, has been shown to lower blood pressure experimentally. Eat 4-5 stalks daily.

5. Put it Out: All forms of tobacco dramatically raise blood pressure.

6. No Salt (sodium chloride) and sodium-rich foods such as soy sauce and canned soups. Sea salt is a much healthier choice.

7. Magnesium, 400 mg twice daily has been shown very helpful for blood pressure. Magnesium is also found in leafy greens, legumes, whole grains

8. Hawthorne – this antioxidant herb helps promote healthy blood flow throughout your body, while helping to promote stronger contractions of the heart. An enzyme that can cause arteries to constrict is blocked by this berry.

9. Coral Calcium contains all minerals needed in the body and is very helpful to maintain healthy BP.

10. Reject Refined Foods: sugary, pre-made, preserved, fried and fatty.

11. Swear Off Sodas: Soft drinks can deplete potassium and other minerals.

12. Get adequate fiber in veggies and whole grains.

13. Forgo Fat: Choose white fish and skinless chicken and turkey. Skip cheese, bacon, red meat, gravy and fatty desserts.

14. Eliminate Trans Fats...a greater health risk than saturated fats.

15. Whole Oats: Eaten daily, oats lower hypertension.

16. L-Carnitine and Taurine are amino acids found in protein foods and as a supplement, balances sodium and potassium in the blood, lowering blood pressure.

17. Potassium: This crucial mineral is found in many fruits (oranges and bananas), vegetables, dairy foods, fish and supplements.

18. Vitamin C: The less vitamin C in the blood, the higher the blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

19. Bioflavonoids, found in fruits, vegetables, supplements, enhance vitamin C's effect.

20. Vitamin E: Evidence suggests that vitamin E also magnifies vitamin C's blood pressure-lowering effect.

21. Pycnogenol: This powerful antioxidant from French pine bark lowered blood pressure in a Chinese study (Life Sciences, Jan. 2, 2004).

22. Omega-3s: Increase essential fatty acid-containing foods or supplements of fish oil, flax, salvia and primrose oil.

23. CoenzymeQ10: Hypertensive patients are often deficient in CoQ10.

24. Zinc may reverse hypertension that has been caused by too much cadmium.

25. Add Cayenne: The capsicum in cayenne slows arteriosclerosis, which can cause hypertension.

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